“Dog Lessons” gets a Christmas book recommendation! Woof!
From “Bestfriends.org:”
“Let’s face it: Dogs are smarter than humans. Don’t believe me? Just ask Hersch Wilson, the author of the highly enjoyable book Dog Lessons: Learning the Important Stuff from Our Best Friends.
Having shared his life with canines for over 60 years, Hersch has been a willing pupil and now shares the things dogs have taught him about what truly matters in life and how to live one’s life well. From a rural Minnesota childhood to his later days in New Mexico, Hersch always looked to his dogs for company on wilderness runs and as joyful partners in everyday escapades. The preteen whose family’s German shepherd was an integral member grew up to become a man whose dogs taught him about love, the need for rest and reflection, and the importance of play.
Part memoir and part education, Dog Lessons is a deceptively simple read. Hersch’s essays, warm and humorous as they are, are also packed with canine history and lore. Dog Lessons is a book meant to be shared with all the dog lovers on your shopping list this holiday season.”