To Clone or Not to Clone
I can’t imagine cloning Maisie. . .
Here's a question to ponder. It's a practical and ethical one. Drum roll: Would you clone your dog if you could afford it (runs about 50K)?
Dr Javier Melei, Argentina's new President, is famous (infamous?) for cloning his original Mastiff, Conan, and getting five cloned versions that he named after his favorite conservative economists. Barbra Streisand also cloned her Coton de Tulear, Sammie, who died at fourteen.
On one hand, I love our dogs, but a clone, even if they appear the same, is not the same dog. And on the other hand, there are so many dogs in shelters who need forever homes.
What do you think? As you look at your dog asleep at your feet, when it's time for her to pass, would you take some cells from her and create a clone?
For more about dogs (but not about cloning!) pick up a copy of "Dog Lessons: Learning the Important stuff from our Best Friends."